22 Mashi, 2018

Spanish Friends Attended the New Year's Entertainment Party of Chinese Christians

On February 17, 2018, Christians from The Church of Almighty God in Spain hosted an evening gathering in Madrid’s Fuenlabrada with the theme of “We gather together here.” The purpose of the event was for friends of different nationalities to gain a greater understanding of The Church of Almighty God and to promote friendship between these groups. Unlike the events held the previous two years, that evening over a dozen international friends were invited, including: Cynthia, a representative from the Todo Mejorar Foundation; Elahi, chairman of Valientes Banglas; Manuel, chairman of the European Citizens’ Anti-Corruption Association; Sagrario, manager of the San Lorenzo Center. It was a joyful gathering in celebration of the lunar new year.

Unyazi LwaseMpumalangaIBandla likaNkulunkulu uSomandla lasungulwa ngenxa yokuvela nomsebenzi kaNkulunkulu uSomandla, ukubuya kwesibili kweNkosi uJesuuKristu wezinsuku zokugcina. Lasungulwa ngokuphelele nguNkulunkulu uSomandla ngokwakhe, nakanjani alisungulwanga umuntu. Namuhla, amazwi kaNkulunkulu uSomandla, amavidiyo evangeli,amahubo endumiso nokunye sekusabalele umhlaba wonke kwinethiwekhi. Izimvu zikaNkulunkulu ziyalizwa iphimbo likaNkulunkulu. Uma uhlala ufunda amazwi kaNkulunkulu uSomandla, uzobona ukuba uNkulunkulu usevelile!

Awekho amazwana:

Thumela amazwana